AIACE Members' Handbook - Further Information

This page contains all the documents, guidelines and policies referred to in the Handbook. They are listed in order of appearance and with the same numbering as in the Handbook. 

3.2. Contact information list.pdf
4.7.2 Equality coefficients dge 2021.pdf
5.2 JSIS Dentistry Guide.pdf
6.2 Guide on Visual Impairment.pdf
10.5 Guidelines for Prior Authorisation of Carers and Reimbursement.pdf
11.2 Invitation letter Approved Centre .pdf
11.3 Invitation letter without Direct Billing.pdf
11.4 Screening Programme for Men 60 plus.pdf
12.2 Guidelines on Top Up Cover.pdf
12.3 Simplification Complementary Cover Procedures Ireland.pdf
13.2 PMO Practical Guide to Reimbursement of Medical Expenses.pdf
13.3 General Implementing Provisions for Reimbursement of medical Expenses.pdf
13.4 Joint Rules on Sickness Insurance.pdf
18.2.2 EU Login Mobile App.pdf
18.2.3 EU Login and Commission services.pdf
18.5.2 How to use Staff Contact.pdf
18.6.2 Sysper.pdf
20.2 PMO Pensions Guide.pdf
25.3 Comparison of JSIS & Irish Private Health Insuranace.pdf